Airframes and Systems


Air Dreams is ready to secure you with L39 Airframes and Systems training, in order to obtain the knowledge about the AeroVodochodi L 39 Albatros.
The skills developed during the course will be the same that would be required for a type rating.

This course is part of the Flight Attacker Training Academy.


Air Dreams is ready to secure you with L39 Airframes and Systems training, in order to obtain the knowledge about the AeroVodochodi L 39 Albatros.
The skills developed during the course will be the same that would be required for a type rating.

This course is part of the Flight Attacker Training Academy.



  1. General
  2. Fuselage, Wings and Stabilizig surfaces
  3. Hydraulics
  4. Landing Gear
  5. Brakes
  6. Controls
  7. Engine
  8. Environmental Control System
  9. Ice and Rain
  10. Oxygen System
  11. Fire Protection
  12. Fuel System
  13. Electric Power
  14. Lights
  15. Instruments


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